Product Description
- SPIO X is a lightweight and versatile pediatric TLSO incorporating all the benefits of a traditional SPIO orthosis with a rigid posterior trunk support system.
- Provides abundant and consistent sensory stimulation via compression.
- SPIO orthoses provide two and a half times more compression than athletic compression wear.
- All SPIOs are made of high-quality, specially milled fabric that is lightweight, wick-able and breathable.
- The unique SPIO fabric maintains its compression, even after prolonged use, and features high-rebound properties that assists the wearer in returning the body to mid-line.
- SPIO X features a posterior panel system. The unique X shape and construction of these flexible polyethylene panels provides greater stability than stays, while still allowing functional range of motion.
- Each SPIO X-Panel TLSO includes two panels of different dimensions and support, and a pair of rigid stays. The two panels offer different degrees of rigidity and trunk support, but both fit snuggly within a pocket on the posterior neoprene panel.
- It is a progressive TLSO system that can be modified to meet each child's needs, even as those needs change
- SPIO X can be utilized for a broad spectrum of children with varying levels of hypotonia. As a child demonstrates improved trunk control, the TLSO can be transformed by removing the panels, replacing them with stays, or worn without and ridged components.
Providers may use:
- Both panels simultaneously to provide maximal support.
- The larger X to provide significant support.
- The smaller X to provide less support.
- Stays, provided with the system, when minimal support is needed.
- The neoprene back panel alone, to provide compression without mechanical support.
SPIO Sizing Guide
If your patient falls outside the standard range of sizes, we can meet your needs with a custom-designed SPIO.
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Estimated Delivery Timeframe 10 - 14 days